

Object and Type


Object  : FCGeneric

Type     : Property





Public Fields As Collection





This property is used to read or write specific fields in the current record of a generic object. The name of the field specified must be one that is valid for the generic object. You must also use the correct data type for the field when using it.


Note: If you query a table or view, and do not include a field (or MTO/OTOP relation) in the DataFields, you will receive an error if you attempt to read or set that field for any row in the generic object.


Error Codes


Value                                     Meaning                                                                                                                               

12023                                      The field specified is not valid for this generic object

12030                                      The user attempted to access a field in a generic object that contains no rows

12031                                      This operation is not valid for a generic that is marked distinct

12034                                      The value specified is out of range for the field's datatype





The following example demonstrates writing out some key fields from the site table after it is queried in the database. Then, some of the fields are modified so that they can be updated in the database.


The code in this example is written in JavaScript for inclusion in ASP pages.


  // Set up a query of all rows in site table

  var boSite = FCSession.CreateGeneric();

  boSite.DBObjectName = "site";



  // For the first row, print out some key fields and set one

  // Then update the site

  Response.Write ("Site ID  : " + boSite.Fields("site_id"));

  Response.Write ("Site Name: " + boSite("name"));


  boSite("external_id") = "My external ID";



Visual Basic:

The code in this example is written in Visual Basic.


  Dim boSite As FCGeneric


  Set boSite = fc_session.CreateGeneric

  boSite.SimpleQuery "site"



  MsgBox "Site ID  : " & boSite.Fields("site_id")

  MsgBox "Site Name: " & boSite("name")


  boSite("external_id") = "Another external ID"
